First•Baptist             Page 6



Do you have a craft or project that needs attention?  Does it require room to spread out?  The church will be open every Thursday from 11 - 2 p.m. for anyone who would like to craft or create with friends and coffee and Christian fellowship.  Storage accommodations provided as needed.  Get started any time.   

Mornings in the Word of God

How do you start your day?  Is it in the Word of God?  Come to church on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and a devotional time in Our Daily Bread!  No time?  Don't worry.   Stop by for a minute or stay for an hour.   Every minute spent in the Word is good for the soul!          

Service at Faith Lutheran Home

It is OUR turn once again to serve at the Faith Lutheran Home here in Osage.  Join us this Sunday, December 15th at 2:00 p.m. as we do the will of God and serve his people.  A good time of visiting with residents makes this task a joy to accomplish.  Coffee, cookies, and fun are added bonus to this happy occasion.  All are welcome to attend!

Church Bulletin Update

For the purpose of accountability, our weekly, monthly, and quarterly financial information will be posted in the church bulletin.  Annual financial reporting is presented and discussed at the annual all-church business meeting in January; and written reports are placed for distribution in the fellowship room for the provision of the entire congregation.  Questions, concerns, comments?  Use our contact page.  Thank you!