First•Baptist            Page 3


Sufficiency of Scripture

Join us this Wednesday night (5/29) for our latest Answers in Genesis video presentation with Pastor John MacArthur!  The Adult Bible Study class is attempting to further their understanding of Apologetics with the help of the folks at Answers in Genesis.  All are welcome and invited to attend every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m., (except for the first Wednesday of the month, which is reserved for our monthly church prayer meeting).  Come!   

Our Daily Bread

They're here!  You're not too late!  The new Our Daily Bread devotionals are on the table in the main entry.  Don't forget to pick up your copy for June/July/August of 2019.   If you prefer, all are welcome to use the link on our home page to go to the Our Daily Bread website and read the day's devotion.  Any way you get there, the "Good Book" is the place to be.  Amen!  

Huang Sisters, Missionaries to the Philippines


This much-anticipated mission trip was postponed due to airline cancellations because of a recent threat of terrorism.  Please pray for this important witnessing journey!

Sunday, May 26th, the worship service was opened with special music by the Huang Sisters (Jennifer, Jaime, and Janette).  But the day was doubly special due to the mission opportunity that God allowed First Baptist Church.  Two of the sisters, Jennifer and Janette, are called of God to minister to the people of the Philippines.  Organization of this important outreach is accomplished through Kids International and funded by Faith Baptist Church in Mason City.  On this date, First Baptist contributed a small portion to the girls' mission trip, which is planned for this summer of 2019.  We look forward to having the girls return in the fall with a complete report of their journey and lots of pictures!  Please pray for God's protection over this sister missionary team and please prayerfully consider your gift of any amount to further this mission.  Amen!